My new school life

Here is my school's gymnasium....It is a indoor gymnasium and contains 4 badminton sections.
It's a good place to are right, just have a sit~^^~

He is my new classmate or maybe a friend.
He looks like a stupid guy~^^~

He also my new classmate ....friend again?
Stupid guy too><
They are really friendly. I should take more pics and then you can watch them~^^~ and have a look.....My school is very big. I love it although it is too far away from my home~^^~
My classmates are very kind but the staff in the school are very rude><
How is it going at the new school and how is galaxy going at her school. Kim friend has gone home now and all her pics are up on my site is you want to have a look they are really nice photos.
Now are all the guys stupid or are they you friends, or are they stupid and your friend which one.hehehehe monkey you have to decide
Say hello to everyone for me okay, and give them my regards
Kangaroo Brisbane Australia, at 10:19 AM
I miss you so much~
Galaxy is fine at her new school.
I think she has a lot of pressure again~She has the public exam again. So we can't meet all the time!!!!!
I have had a look already.The pics let me miss everything there~
The Central train station and Adelaide St. cos we took the train or bus there everyday when we went to school.And I miss the beautiful South Bank.
They are stupid who I told you. Not all the guys are stupid...><
cos Im not....~^^~
heehee Im a clever and smart monkey.Not a stupid monkey~
Carol, at 12:26 PM
I came back school yesterday...
I have to study hard,,,because I took a rest too much..and I forgot English skill for two weeks.. I speak korean all the time..
I have just four months,,,
I'm very happy I can hear and look your new life,,here.
Your new school life and friends,,all good luck..
To galaxy "Cheer up!!"
hachii, at 10:45 AM
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